
Bootable USB Explained and Why you Might Need to Get One

If you’re looking for a versatile and convenient tool for repairing, restoring, upgrading, or installing your computer’s operating system, a bootable USB flash drive may be just what you need. With the option to choose between Windows 10, 11, XP, 7, and 8.1, a bootable USB can be a lifesaver in a variety of situations.

But what exactly is a bootable USB flash drive? Simply put, it’s a USB flash drive that has been configured to act as a bootable device, meaning that it can be used to boot up your computer and run an operating system or other software without needing to install it on your hard drive. This makes it a very handy tool to have in your tech toolkit, especially if you need to troubleshoot or repair your computer.

One of the main advantages of a bootable USB flash drive is that it can be used to repair computers that are stuck or not working. If your computer won’t boot up, for example, you can use a bootable USB to run a diagnostic tool or repair software to fix the problem. This can be a real lifesaver if you need to access important files or documents that are stored on your computer.

Here are just a few of the benefits of using a bootable USB flash drive System Repair Restore Upgrade Install Tool:

  1. Portable – A bootable USB flash drive is highly portable, making it a great option for people who need to repair or install operating systems on multiple computers. You can simply carry the bootable USB with you and use it on any computer as needed.
  2. Customizable – With the option to choose between different versions of Windows, a bootable USB flash drive can be customized to meet your needs. Whether you need to repair a computer running Windows XP, upgrade a computer running Windows 7, or install a fresh copy of Windows 10 or 11, a bootable USB flash drive can help you get the job done.
  3. Time-Saving – Using a bootable USB flash drive can save you a lot of time compared to traditional installation methods. With a bootable USB, you can quickly install or repair your operating system without having to wait for DVDs or other installation media to load.

In conclusion, a bootable USB flash drive System Repair Restore Upgrade Install Tool can be a valuable tool for anyone who needs to repair, restore, upgrade, or install their computer’s operating system. It’s highly portable, customizable, time-saving, and can be a real lifesaver in a variety of situations, especially if you need to repair a computer that is stuck or not working. So why not invest in a bootable USB flash drive today and take control of your computer’s operating system? You can grab a USB repair/install/recover tool for multiple versions of Windows including Windows 10, 11, 8.1, 7 and XP over at our eBay store.


All About Missing Variables in R – Finding, Replacing, Unifying & Retrieving

Assigning NA in R

R is great for manipulating and running analysis on datasets. But maybe in R you have a data set and you want to fill in missing data, or register it as NA so that you don’t get errors when trying to run analysis.

Above is an example of some data with some empty cells. (See row 11.) You can download this csv file here. To view the file write something like this: 

banking <- read.csv("CustomerBanking.csv")

Now say we wanted to register these blank spaces as systems NA’s. To do this we can write something like: 

bankingNA <- read.csv("CustomerBanking.csv", na.strings = c(""))
head(bankingNA, 20)   ## OR

Now when we view the bankingNA object, the empty spaces should be assigned “NA”. 

Complete Cases

To view which cases in our file now have complete cases or not, that is, which cases  have no missing values, we can do something like: 


Note: Adding the “!” will return rows with missing values. 

Now it is possible some of the NA’s will not be recognized by the system. Maybe they are spelled like N.A. or N/A. We can convert these to system NA’s by using something like:

bankingNA$balance <- gsub("NA", NA, bankingNA$balance)
bankingNA$balance <- gsub("no", NA, bankingNA$balance)
bankingNA$balance <- gsub("N/A", NA, bankingNA$balance)
bankingNA$balance <- gsub("n.a.", NA, bankingNA$balance)
bankingNA$contact <- gsub("unknown", NA, bankingNA$contact)
bankingNA$poutcome <- gsub("unknown", NA, bankingNA$poutcome)
bankingNA$education <- gsub("unknown", NA, bankingNA$education)
bankingNA$duration <- gsub("NA", NA, bankingNA$duration)
bankingNA$duration <- gsub("short", NA, bankingNA$duration)

Converting to Numeric

Now that we have converted all of the NA’s to the proper system NA, R will recognize it properly. If we want to perform calculations with the ‘balance’ column in R, we will need to convert the data type to numeric. Use: str(bankingNA) to view the datatype of each column. We can see that ‘balance’ is type ‘chr’. To convert ‘balance’ to numeric we can do something like: 

bankingNA$balance = as.factor(gsub(",", "", bankingNA$balance))
bankingNA$balance = as.numeric(gsub("\\$", "", bankingNA$balance))

This will take care of the decimals/commas and the dollar sign and leave us with only a number so we can perform calculations as needed. 

Performing Calculations

Now that we have converted the type, maybe we want to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation with this data, but we want to do it concisely with a package called “dplyr” using the summarise() method. We can do so with the following code:

bankingNA %>%
  summarise(mean=mean(balance, na.rm = TRUE),
            median=median(balance, na.rm = T),
            Std=sd(balance, na.rm = T))

If we wanted to calculate the mean, median or std based on another column, we could do something like:

tapply(bankingNA$balance, bankingNA$marital, mean, na.rm=T)
tapply(bankingNA$duration, bankingNA$marital, mean, na.rm=T)

If we wanted to subset our data and find where the balance is greater than 1000 or maybe less than 0 for example… We could write:

which(bankingNA$balance > 10000)
which(bankingNA$balance < 0)

Data matching the criteria is returned. 

If we wanted to calculate the median values of balance for married, single, and divorced,

and then replace the missing values with the calculated values for each

Category, we would first need to fix some of the columns so divorced, married, and single were all uniform. 

bankingNA$marital <- gsub("DIVORCED", "divorced", bankingNA$marital)
bankingNA$marital <- gsub("Divorced", "divorced", bankingNA$marital)
bankingNA$marital <- gsub("MARRIED", "married", bankingNA$marital)
bankingNA$marital <- gsub("Married", "married", bankingNA$marital)
bankingNA$marital <- gsub("Single", "single", bankingNA$marital)

Then we calculate the median: 

tapply(bankingNA$balance, bankingNA$marital, median, na.rm=T)

And replace the missing values for each category:

divorced <- median(bankingNA[bankingNA$marital=="divorced", "balance"], na.rm = TRUE)
bankingNA[$balance) & bankingNA$marital=="divorced", "balance"] <- divorced

married <- median(bankingNA[bankingNA$marital=="married", "balance"], na.rm = TRUE)
bankingNA[$balance) & bankingNA$marital=="married", "balance"] <- married

single <- median(bankingNA[bankingNA$marital=="single", "balance"], na.rm = TRUE)
bankingNA[$balance) & bankingNA$marital=="single", "balance"] <- single


Now you’ve learned many different methods for handling missing variables in R, have fun and keep coding!

Adding Hyphens to Seperate Words in a Title with Python

I came across an instance at my workplace, where I needed to add over a thousand hyphens to seperate last names from the title of a video, which were in columns in an excel sheet. The sheet, which holds information on archived political campaign videos, has over a thousand rows and fifteen columns. The excel file contained information about the electrion year, format (Film, Beta SP, VHS, etc.), thetitle, last name, first name, and political party of the people involved in the video, the state, office, gender, and summary of the politcal campaign video.

In the “TITLE LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME PARTY” column, I was tasked with seperating the TITLE from the LAST_NAME with a hyphen, and the LAST_NAME from the FIRST_NAME with a comma. Luckily, almost all the last names already contained commas, but the hyphens were non-existent.

To streamline the process of adding hyphens, I headed over to PyCharms, and started on some script. But first, I copied all the contents of the “TITLE LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME PARTY” column and added it to a text document named “Basic.txt”.

In PyCharms, I began by declaring my text file as ‘example1’. Using ‘with’,  ‘open()’ and “r”, I opened and read the file as ‘file1’. Using ‘with’ rather than ‘open’ on its own is better for syntax and exceptions handling. Using a ‘for’ loop, I then read through and selected each line. After selecting each line, I then split each line up with spaces using split(), and used an additional for loop to select each word of each line. I checked to see if the word contained a comma, and if it did, I used replace() to add a hyphen and space to the front of the word containing a comma. (By tagging +each1 to the end of that line, the hyphen is added to the front of the word.) After that, wrote the changes to the file with ‘write()’ and finally closed the file with close().

As you can see, the result is succesful:


Is Wikipedia Actually Uncredible?

Wikipedia gets a bad rap for its credibility. But is it in an unfair manner? Personally, I have always thought of Wikipedia as a poor choice for a source, and I thought that was because it’s easy to post on the site. I never studied the details or specifics, or fact checked what I was being told. One thing I did learn fast when using the site, is that it is a great site for finding other sources, simply by navigating to the bottom of a given article.

But, what’s the real fact of the matter with this claim of unreliability? Well, you’d be surprised to hear that the quality of Wikipedia articles are not only high, but can be “as accurate as professional sources.” (Jemielniak, 2019)

According to a study published by GigaScience, Wikipedia can be easily vandalized, and that is why many will tell students to stay away. However, Wikipedia is constantly working to combat vandalism on the site. (Jemielniak, 2019) The majority of vandalism that does occur, is said to not harm, or misinform readers, as the misinformation or vandalism is typically easy to spot. (Jemielniak, 2019) Dariusz Jemielniak of GigaScience, claims Wikipedia has an unfair historical bias against them. (Jemielniak, 2019) Since many studies show Wikipedia maintains high quality output, (Jemielniak, 2019) perhaps we should rethink the bias. And since Wikipedia receives so much traffic, it is more of a reason to trust their sources. (Jemielniak, 2019)

Jemielniak sees Wiki as a perfect learning opportunity for students, who can make an article using solid sources, and have it viewed/checked by so many people across the world when uploaded to So maybe next time your professor or friend tells you to stay off the world’s most popular encyclopedia, you should just laugh and show them the facts?

So, is Wikipedia tainted with an unfair bias? Tell us what you think below.


Jemielniak D. (2019). Wikipedia: Why is the common knowledge resource still neglected by academics?. GigaScience, 8(12), giz139.